Monday, June 9, 2008


Weighing in today at 182 - I feel like the tortise here, Lol.
My mom and sister are coming down in July, so I'm going to REALLY try and do some extra workouts to see if I can increase some weight loss. My mother is about 110 pounds soaking wet, and my sister is about 125 pounds at 5'6. It can be really depressing to be out in public and not look anything like the people I'm related too. Plus, my mother can be really judgemental about my weight. So, I'm hoping I can show her that I've been working hard, and am seeing results.
I'm also reminding myself everyday that this is something I'm doing for ME, so I won't be looking for her "approval".
Trust me, it'd be SO like her to make some smart ass comment that would cause me to try and feel better by going to the fridge...


Amber said...

Roni, you're doing a great job! Sorry I'm a little *cough* occupied this week, but I'll be chatting you up again before you know it. ;)

Good for you for doing this for YOU. Keep it up. You know, even if you don't post 'em, the before and after pictures for me are making a HUGE difference. (I'm about to post the ones Stuart took tonight.)

Love you, chickie. Keep up the FANTASTIC work!

Just a Girl in a Port said...

I agree. Roni, you are doing awesome. Keep it up. Remember, the tortoise won the race. ;)